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Medical Directives

Medical Directives

Palliative Care Medical Directives

The Palliative Care Medical Directives provide the standards of paramedic care for patients receiving palliative care who are attended by emergency paramedics participating in the Ministy of Health's special project, Paramedics Providing Palliative Care.

  • ACP Palliative Care Treat & Refer

    Version 2.1


  • PCP Palliative Care Treat & Refer

    Version 2.1


ALC PCS Handbooks

Due to the frequency of updates to the ALS PLS Medical Directives the pocket books are no longer available and have been replaced by the web app available on this page.

Ontario Paramedic Clinical Guide

Web app available

Available for Apple and Android devices.

Due to the frequency of updates to the ALS PLS Medical Directives the pocket books are no longer available.

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  • Hits: 35619



Welcome to MedicASK. This section of the RPPEO website provides paramedics the opportunity to ask questions to our Medical Directors regarding ALS PCS medical directives or other related patient care opportunities.

All questions will be reviewed and answered by staff within the RPPEO. Please browse through our questions and answers, as well as the latest ALS or BLS Patient Care Standards or Companion Document for the Advanced Life Support Patient Care Standards.

Medical Directives

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Cartoon image of a person with headphones on sitting in front of a computer.

Paramedics expect their base hospital to provide educational support to those who are practising. To make this experience robust and more meaningful, we developed an online platform that we call MedicLEARN for hosting education materials.

MedicLEARN is a clearinghouse for training documents and an integrated portal for paramedic access to online classes. Most of the content is developed at the RPPEO. The Ontario Base Hospital Group's Education Subcommittee also provides provincial content. All of the courses and information we post to MedicLEARN is vetted for its relevance to paramedic practice in our region.

The online course content is not only accessible in MedicLEARN: it's also integrated with paramedic profiles in the MedicNET system. This means that the updating of paramedic files with completed CME or other educational attainment done in MedicLEARN is seamless.

Read more …MedicLEARN

  • Hits: 16472



MedicNET Image

Manage your practice records and your Certification

MedicNET is a password protected records management interface for paramedics, paramedic services, the Ministry of Health and the base hospital. Each paramedic in the RPPEO region has an account on MedicNET that details the paramedic's profile, their continuing education activities, and their current and historical certifications.

Many of the most common activities recorded in MedicNET are automated so that paramedics do not need to worry about updating RPPEO CME activities or certifications. Since MedicNET is self-serve, paramedics do need to keep contact details up to date.

Read more …MedicNET

  • Hits: 7675

Medicnet Admin Demo

Requires Firefox or Internet explorer (Chrome and Edge may have issues palying the demo).

Clicking reload in your browswe may resolve issues if the demo fails to play the first time.

  • Hits: 1991


MedicNEWS started in 2020 as a way to quickly get new practice insight out to all paramedics in the Eastern Ontario region during the COVID-19 pandemic. Morphing to lighter, timely short reads that aim to deliver entertaining and thought-provoking content, RPPEO now puts out a new digital MedicNEWS ten times a year.

Read more …MedicNEWS

  • Hits: 2011