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Recent News and Updates

22 May 2024
It is Paramedic Services Week and the RPPEO would like to acknowledge and honor the hard work and dedication of the paramedics of Eastern Ontario. Over the past year more has been asked of paramedics than ever before, and you have answered the call. Every day you respond to calls for help from the ill and injured. Each call for service is made b...
02 April 2024
We're thrilled to share an exciting update that will improve patient care: the expansion of Online Medical Consultation (OMC) services to two more base hospitals - the Centre for Paramedic Education and Research (CPER) in Hamilton, and Health Sciences North (HSN) in Sudbury.
28 February 2024
RPPEO Spring 2024 CME is launching online on Wednesday, March 13. The RPPEO's Spring continuing medical education module is aimed at ACPs. PCPs from paramedic services supporting participation are also welcome to participate in the Spring session. RPPEO today emailed a Spring 2024 CME Launch Letter containing details of the education to each ce...
28 February 2024
A new RPPEO Medical Advisory is in effect. Medical Advisory on Cardiac Arrest On-scene Resuscitation Time (2024-01) provides clinical practice guidance for RPPEO-certified paramedics. You may find this Medical Advisory and other written RPPEO guidance in the Policies and Practices section of
27 February 2024
In this issue of MedicNEWS: Spring 2024 CME Announced! in Continuing Education Paramedics on the Front Lines of the Opioid Crisis in BHP Corner Corresponding about Quality & Safety A New Clinical Bulletin to Help Your Practice RPPEO is Hiring in Announcements MedicNEWS is the RPPEO bi-monthly news magazine for paramedics in Eastern...
09 February 2024
The Ministry of Health has issued a revised version of the Advanced Life Support Patient Care Standards (ALS PCS). Version 5.3 came into force on February 9, 2024. ALS PCS v5.3 added intranasal glucagon to the Hypoglycemia Medical Directives for trained and authorized paramedics.
05 February 2024
The Ontario Base Hospital Group (OBHG) is seeking applications for new representation from front line paramedics for all provincial committees: Ontario Base Hospital Group Medical Advisory Committee (OBHG MAC) -2 Data Quality Management Subcommittee (DQM) -1 Education Subcommittee (ESC) -1  Term: April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2027 For ...
18 January 2024
A new RPPEO Clinical Bulletin on Opioid Use Disorder, Buprenorphine/naloxone, and Naloxone is now available. This Clinical Bulletin provides paramedic practice guidance from the Regional Medical Director on the appropriate administration of naloxone in the context of opioid toxicity, and differentiates naloxone from the new combined medication ...
Web app available

Ontario Paramedic Clinical Guide

Available for Apple and Android devices.

Please use the link below to provide us with your feedback regarding this guide.

Latest MedicASK Questions

Dexamethasone use in anaphylaxis
Question: Why is Dexamethasone not indicated for severe allergic reaction in the pre-hospital setting?
IO Medications
Question: Question concerning administration of certain medications via IO route. It was taught in school that anything that can be given IV can also be given IO. Certain of our medications that we can give ...
Routes of Medication Administration
Question: Route of admin for Morphine in ACS only includes IV in the PCS. If IV access is unobtainable and nitroglycerin is contraindicated due to no history, I think it is reasonable to give morphine IM / ...
Pediatric Chest Needle Sizing
Question: What size needle/catheter size is recommended for Pediatric chest needle decompression. Is there weight ranges etc . Difficult to find literature on this topic .
Ondansetron Administration to Altered Patients
Question: Can we administer an ondansetron to an altered patient? Withholding dimenhyDRINATE in this patient cohort is intuitive due to its sedative effects, but what is the reasoning for withholding ondan...

RPPEO Medical Team

RPPEO MedicASK provides paramedics the opportunity to ask questions to our Medical Directors regarding ALS PCS medical directives or other related patient care opportunities.

All questions will be reviewed and answered by staff within the RPPEO. Please browse through our questions and answers, as well as the latest ALS or BLS Patient Care Standards or Companion Document for the Advanced Life Support Patient Care Standards.